officers of the presbytery
Moderator: Rev. Ron Urzua
Moderator Elect: Yvonne Bazinet
Chair of Council: Ruling Elder Diane Kirkpatrick
Stated Clerk: Ruling Elder Sandy Thoits
Treasurer: Ruling Elder Scott Eschbach
Designated General Presbyter. Rev. Jason Micheli
presbytery council
Diane Kirkpatrick, Council Moderator
Ron Urzua, Presbytery Moderator
Yvonne Bazinet, Moderator Elect
Scott Eschbach, Treasurer
John D"Elia, Committee on Preparation of Ministry
Belete Wubet, Church in the World Committee
Jennifer Fraser, Committee on Ministry
Karen Washburn, Property & Finance Committee,
Diane Kirkpatrick, Presbyterian Women
Mickey Fenn, Church Development Committee, COPE
Jennifer Rabenaldt. Personnel Committee
Jim Pazan, CORN
Joel Drenckpohl, At Large. Front Porch Campus Ministry
Sandy Thoits, Stated Clerk